Sunday, January 27, 2013

Adult Sunday School Lesson January 27, 2013

January 27, 2013
Adult Sunday School Lesson "PRAYER"


Prayer is very simple and yet very complex. It is simply communication with God. But true communication is an art and requires a great deal of understanding and dedication to achieve. It takes time, respect for God, a willingness to trust His point of view, and courage to obey Him. 

The goal of this lesson is to learn how to make prayer a conversational walk with God. It begins with seeing prayer as fellowship with God, not just a time to ask Him for things. It continues as the focus of our prayers moves from self to others. It becomes a lifestyle as we come to persevere in prayer.

1. Fellowship with God through Prayer
Psalms 42:1, 2, 8; Mark 1:35; Hebrews 13:15
  1. Adam and Eve had a very special relationship with God. Genesis 3:8 reveals that God would walk through the Garden where Adam and Eve lived. But sin disrupted that special relationship and created separation between them and God.  The Psalmist expressed a sense of separation from God in Psalm 42. We have no details as to what caused this sense of separation  but the depth of emotion reveals how precious his fellowship with God was to him. His passion for God's company is compared to that of a thirsty deer longing for fresh water (verse 1). But the Psalmist's thirst was to enter into God's presence to commune with Him (verse 2). We must first desire  that sweet communication with God through prayer. We may need to develop that desire to spend time with God. And since he longs to fellowship with us, we are not alone in this effort. Jesus, while on this earth, would go off by himself to spend time with His Father in Heaven (Mark 1:35). Jesus probably sought insight and strength for what lay ahead. It is possible to assume that Jesus also expressed love and praise for the Father. They enjoyed each other's presence. Like Jesus, we need to make time to spend with God, to make prayer a priority. Strength to face daily living comes from God, so make time for God each day. 
2. Pray for Everyone
1 Timothy 2:1-8
  1. Prayer is a key par of developing a personal relationship with God, but God never intended that our prayers focus on ourselves. Paul instructed that prayer should be offered up for every one (1 Timothy 2:1). Only then will we begin to truly understand the heart of God, for Jesus died that we all might be saved (verses 3,4). Prayer needs to become as natural in our lives as breathing (see 1 Thessalonian 5:17). Wen we pray, Paul instructed us to lift up "holy" hands (verse 8). This emphasizes our character as we come to God in prayer. Harboring "wrath" in our hearts----bitterness, unforgiveness  and resentment--->will hinder our ability to intercedes for others. Prayer is also hindered by "doubting," which can be best understood as being in dispute with someone, rather than a lack of faith.. It is hard to sincerely and passionately pray for others if we are holding a grudge against them. 
3. Persevere in Prayer
Luke 18:1-8; Colossians 4:2

  1. Jesus told a parable to teach believers that they are "always to pray, and not to faint" (Luke 18:1). In the parable, a widow kept seeking after justice (verses 2-5). But the unjust judge she came to refused to resolve her case. But because of her persistence, he dealt with the case. Jesus was not saying that we have to nag or beg God before He will answer. The judge in this parables does not represent God. Jesus was stressing the faithfulness of God to answer those who all out to Him (verses 6,7). Jesus basically said, "Pay attention. If an unjust judge will reward persistence with justice, how much more will God award justice to those He loves and who delight in spending time with Him?" We mustn't forget that there is more to prayer than just asking for things. It is spending time in God's presence. God has opened up the way for us to approach Him through Christ's death and Resurrection. He is waiting for us to spend time with Him. Yet we often allow the cares of this life to distract us from seeking Him. 
For further Study
  • Monday: Prayer for Guidance. Genesis 24:12-18
  • Tuesday: Passionately Seeking God. Psalms 63:1-8
  • Wednesday: Persisting in Prayer. Daniel 6:4-11
  • Thrusday: Petition for All Believers. John 17:20-26
  • Friday: Perpetual Prayer for Others. 1 Thessalonians 1:1-3
  • Saturday: Powerful Results to Prayer. James 5:13-18
We Pray this lesson will also give you highlights on PRAYER as it did to our congregation. 
With Blessings,

NEXT WEEK'S STUDY..................Lord, Teach Us to Pray.