Friday, June 29, 2012

Trip to Fullerton, California

These pictures were taken a trip out to Fullerton, California in 2010. 
Prophetess Juanita Bynum. Very anointed Service and message.

We have witnessed a very powerful move of God! in
this conference.
 Two surfers enjoy surfing.

 Wrote our last name on the west coast beach. We had fun!

Willie Holmes Ministries, Located in Fullerton, CA.

Picture taken with Prophetess Vanessa Holmes.


Water was too cold. 

Grandmad Doris and Tonia Praising the Lord in the west coast beach.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Arrow of the Lord's Deliverance Tent Revival Itinerary

Here is a run down of our 2012 REVIVAL schedules:

     DATES                          RESIDENCE OF                    LOCATION
June 6-9                              Johnnie & Ruthie Benally             Tonalea, Arizona
June 25-30                          Church Revival                            Sweetwater, Arizona
July 18-22                           Roland & Vicktoria Yazzie          Cove, Arizona
July 26-28                            Paul & Sadie Hanley                  Emmanuel Mission, Arizona
July 31-August 4                  Gerald Harvey                            Emmanuel Mission, Arizona
August 8-11                         Bessie Begay                              Sweetwater, Arizona
August 15-18                       Ethel Benally                               Hogback, New Mexico
August 20-25                       Loy & Elizabeth Harrison            Cudeii, New Mexico
August 27-September 1       Church Revival                            Sweetwater, Arizona
Schedules are subject to changes. Changes will be updated as soon as they occur. 

Matthew & Antonia Benally